Current tuition information, listed as cost per quarter, is available via Student Finance. There are four quarters per year. Tuition goes down to one third of the current tuition during the third year when students are on their externships.
Partial Tuition Scholarships
Partial scholarships are awarded on an annual basis dependent upon factors such as academic performance, financial need, and availability of funds. Funding decisions reflect both (a) careful evaluation of each applicant’s credentials and (b) the restrictions of limited scholarship funds.
Other than completion of the FAFSA form, if you are interested in potential need-based aid, no additional forms, applications, or statements of intent are required for consideration. Those who wish to be considered for need-based funds must complete the FAFSA by March1.
Regarding other forms of departmental monies:
- Teaching Assistantships (TAs) are generally not available to AuD students as they are primarily reserved for PhD students. There may be opportunities for 2nd year AuD students to serve in this capacity in certain circumstances, but those opportunities are rare.
- Research Assistantships (RAs) may be available for AuD students in some CSD labs. This availability varies from year to year. The AuD program tries to inform prospective AuD students of known potential RAships during the admission process but is not responsible for hiring into these positions. Interested students are encouraged to contact individual labs to inquire about possible opportunities.
- Work-study or other NU-based student positions may be available to AuD students. Again, these positions are not mediated by the AuD program. Students are encouraged to keep in mind that the AuD curriculum is quite rigorous and that employment in any position with required weekly hours could be a challenge as employment commitments cannot impede clinical and class scheduling.